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sistema di ancoraggio per riforestazione con Posidonia oceanica

The patented anchoring module

Biosurvey owns a license for the seabed restoration with Posidonia oceanica.

The modular anchoring system of the plant’s scion and rootstock consists of an installation of totally biodegradable material. This new technique has been included in the official guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Environment (ISPRA) for the restoration with Posidonia oceanica(ISPRA, Guides and Guidelines, 104/2014). The principles on which the invention is based are as follows:

  • Extensive use of biodegradable plastic material to ensure at the end of the rooting process, the support system dissolution.

  • Modularity of the system that allows a high degree of flexibility in seabed covering strategies and adaptability to different organisms.

  • Simplification of anchoring techniques to increase laying efficiency and reduce costs.

  • Use of bio-inspired geometries that emulate the natural mode of colonization.

The anchor support consists of a radical structure, which can be fixed ti the seabed by means of a quick-fixing stake. The radical structure, consisting of brackets on which there are a variable number of plant fastenings, allows the optimal fixing of the Posidonia cuttings.


Product strengths

The extensive use of biodegradable plastic material to ensure, at the end of the rooting process, the dissolution of the apparatus supporting the cuttings.

The modularity of the system that allows a high flexibility in the strategies of covering the bottom and the adaptability to different plant species.


The adaptability of the modular system to the different types of bottom to ensure adequate time of contact of the cuttings with the substrate.

Simplification of anchorage techniques to increase the safety of the operation, efficiency and speed of installation with a consequent reduction in reforestation costs.

The use of bio-inspired geometries that emulate the natural way the plant colonises the seabed.

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