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Biosurvey is a partner of the project PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020 - Area of specialization: Blue growth - entitled "Conversion of Off Shore Platforms for Multiple Eco-Sustainable Uses (PlaCE)".

Project title: Conversion of Off Shore Platforms for Multiple Sustainable Uses (PlaCE). 

Project type: PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020 - Area of expertise: Blue growth.

Project code: ARS01_00891. 

Project start and end date: 01.06.2018 - 30.11.2020 (30 months).

Lead partner institution: Università Politecnica delle MARCHE.


Eni S.p.A. 

INSTM - National Inter-University Consortium for Materials Science and Technology University of Naples Federico II 

Anton Dohrn Zoological Station 

University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" 

University of BOLOGNA 

Biosurvey S.R.L.




Brief description of the project:

The PLaCE project aims to find alternative solutions for the sustainable reuse of offshore oil and gas platforms at the end of their operational phase. PLaCE aims to test cutting-edge technologies and solutions for the eco-sustainable reuse of offshore platforms located off the coast of Abruzzo at the end of their production phase. In particular, by applying the technology of mineral growth by low-voltage electrolysis of water, the activities of PlaCE include: application of advanced eco-sustainable strategies of aquaculture based on integrated farming of molluscs and holoturians, design and development of innovative systems for the production of renewable energy necessary for the activity of the platform, development of integrated systems to assess the ecological sustainability of the activities of multifunction platforms and their maintenance, cost-benefit analysis and business scenarios, also considering recreational sectors. In addition, through pilot restoration tests in degraded habitats in Southern Italy, innovative solutions will be implemented for the restoration of Posidonia oceanica habitats threatened by existing submarine infrastructures and/or potentially affected by offshore infrastructures, in order to provide effective tools for the compensation of environmental impact. 

In particular, the project foresees (OR2 - Task 2.6) that the activities related to the realization of pilot restoration tests in degraded habitats of Posidonia oceanica will be conducted by Biosurvey, ENI and INSTM-UNIPA. These activities aim at using innovative solutions for the restoration of habitats of Posidonia oceanica and/or other marine plants (key habitats included in the EU Habitats Directive 92/43), often threatened by existing underwater infrastructures (e.g. sealines), using a modular anchorage system consisting of a fully biodegradable material installation (Mater-Bi). In particular, pilot restoration tests will take place in degraded habitats in Southern Italy, potentially affected by offshore infrastructure, in order to provide innovative tools for environmental impact compensation.



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